Wednesday, 21 August 2013

-Music Videos on my Mind- The Orwells’ “Who Needs You”

Let me try and make sense of this:
>>> Americans consider George Orwell to be the greatest cultural chronicler of the 20th century <<<>>> George Orwell never really did like Americans and thought them uncouth <<<>>> American band, The Orwells, love George Orwell so much he became their namesake <<<>>> America has shown very little respect to The Orwells, this despite MTV naming them one of the most criminally overlooked bands of last year<<<
Nonetheless, this Chicago group of kids that only graduated from high school this year may actually buck the trend of white guys with guitars being ignored by American music consumers because their new song is an explosive mix of youthful energy and alarmingly astute political playmaking. Who Needs You reflects the ideas of a bunch of boys growing up in an austere and militarily manipulated America, though the music they’re creating preserves the everlasting spirit of classic Americana rock 'n' roll. It’s good.