As a song, Bobby Womack's collaboration with Lana Del Rey, Dayglo Reflection, has been out for months now, however, my reluctance to report on it has much to do with the rudimentary video made to accompany the track, always hoping that XL Records may allocate a minor percentage of the many billions it's made from selling Adele albums to making a better video for this one.
It seems that's not going to happen. Alas, we have to make do with what is given, albeit it's not that bad, just that such a top song deserves much better.
Bobby Womack hasn't released an album of original songs for over 18 years now, so many had anticipated the release of The Bravest Man in the Universe, hoping it'd be the perfect antidote to the era of crap music we exist in. It turns out people are addicted to crap music nowadays as Womack's album charted at a woeful #181 in the US and a pitiful #49 in dearest old Blighty.
And to think Mr Womack was diagnosed with colon cancer and endured pneumonia during the recording of this album, meaning The Bravest Man in the Universe should not be reduced to just an album title. Whatever you may think of Lana Del Rey, her contribution on Dayglo Reflection is simply wonderful, as is Damon Alban's production work, all three artists sending it to another level of melodic brilliance.