Sunday, 13 October 2013

-Music Videos on my mind- Local Natives’ “Ceilings”

They say that one of the main attractions of joining the army has to do with being able to see the world. The occupational hazards are manifold, but the idea of going places is the greatest reward in itself.
The rewards of being in a band that tours the world and gets to perform songs to fans across the globe is the option that sounds more appealing, especially when you consider that travelling is perhaps the greatest creative stimulant imaginable.
California’s Local Natives’ new music video exhibits a band dumbstruck and savouring being in a position where making music has opened the world to them. Consisting of footage shot on smartphones by touring band members during downtime and sound checks, Ceilings is an intimate song made all the more effective because of its minimalist video. There’s a dreamy quality to it, almost as if shots of historic relics, abandoned foreign factories, prosaic hotel rooms and massive international festival crowds is something that seems mightily unreal to a bunch of lads that can’t believe their luck.