Monday, 24 May 2010

Daniel Craig is a Wanker

The image above is Daniel Craig, but for some reason only known to him, he doesn't want you to know that. John Favreau will soon direct COWBOYS AND ALIENS (which has been in development at Dreamworks for decades) for release next summer and cast Daniel Craig after his first choice Robert Downey left to film another SHERLOCK HOLMES instalment.

Favreau says, "That's him [Daniel Craig]. We couldn't really show too much because he didn't want to reveal any images on Twitter." Like, who the fuck is this prick? Surely it should be up to the director to post an image or not. It's the director's film. Daniel Craig allegedly acted like a total bastard when filming THE GOLDEN COMPASS, utilising bodyguards to inspect New Line Cinema's offices for bugs just in case any newspapers had planted shit. So silly.